Browse Tag: silverlight

Chrome Wont Load LabVIEW Real Time Web Configuration Pages

I spent a week at the CLA summit last week (more to follow) and got a nasty shock on my return.

On attempting to login to configure a compactRIO system I get faced with a request to install silverlight:

Install Silverlight


As I have used this every day for a long time, I somehow don’t believe this.

It turns out that Google have removed support for some cryptic NPAPI that many plugins require to run, including Silverlight.

This finally explains why I have been seeing more security warnings about running silverlight pages, it appears this has been coming for some time, in fact over a year! Wish someone had told me.

Fear not, there is a workaround, but it will only work until September.

  1. Navigate to chrome://flags/#enable-npapi in the browser
  2. Click Enable under Enable NPAPIenable_npapi
  3. A box will appear at the bottom of the screen with a Relaunch Now button. Press this to relaunch chome ensuring you back up any work in the browser first
  4. And back to work fixing compactRIOs.

And in September…

I guess if there is no change from the NI side it’s a move to Firefox or IE!

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